Slovenian architecture takes much inspiration from alpine architecture, with light coloured walls, dark wooden details and semi-steep roofs. The most common roof shape is half-hipped roofs.
Slovenian bollards are white with a black top. The front reflector will typically be bright red, while the back reflector will be white.
NOTE: Austrian bollards have the same design, but with a dark red front reflector and a black or grey back reflector. Montenegrin bollards also have a very similar design, also with a red and a white reflector.
Slovenian directional signs are yellow with a black border.
NOTE: Croatia, North Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro all have similar directional signs. Austrian directional signs are typically white with a blue outline.
Slovenian kilometre markers have a very distinct design. At the top left the road number is shown in a yellow rectangle, and a second number is to the right of it. A horizontal black line divides the top and bottom, and the distance is shown below.
NOTE: Austrian kilometre markers are blue with a white number.
Slovenian street signs are most commonly white with a metal border attached to signposts, or red and attached to house walls.
NOTE: Czech street signs are also typically red and attached to walls. However, Czech street names will not contain the word “ulica”, which most Slovenian street names have.
Slovenian house numbers are typically red with white text.
NOTE: Czech house numbers are also commonly red.
Slovenia uses a regular A-type guardrail, like most European countries. This guardrail type has rounded edges.
This is mostly useful for 50-50s with Croatia, which uses B-type guardrails. This type has square edges.
NOTE: For a good overview of European guardrails, see this infographic.
This type of shed, called a kozolec, made of thin wooden beams with noticeable gaps in between, is very typical for Slovenia.
Instead of the normal red house numbers, Ljubljana will typically feature green house numbers.
NOTE: Street signs in Ljubljana are also occasionally green.