Scripts and Tools
for GeoGuessr
A centralized directory of scripts, tools, extensions and other software created by the GeoGuessr community.
The tools have been grouped into six general categories, and are roughly ordered from most to least well-known. Suggestions are welcome.
Note: The items referred to below as “scripts” require a browser extension such as Tampermonkey. For Chromium-based browsers (Chrome, Opera, Edge, Brave…), Tampermonkey scripts also require you enable your browser’s Developer Mode. You can find the toggle to enable it by going to chrome://extensions.
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1. Transformative
2. Streak Counters
3. Gameplay Modifiers
4. Gameplay Information
5. Mapmaking
6. Navigation, Cosmetics and Statistics
GeoGuessr Unity Script
by Jupaoqq and echandler
A multipurpose script bringing Baidu, Yandex and other external coverage to GeoGuessr. Its numerous features also include satellite view, teleportation, time machine, minimap customization and many more.
30000+ installs
by RollinHill, ReAnna and others
The original GeoGuessr Twitch Chatbot. Allows streamers to play GeoGuessr on stream with their chat.
by Andrei Onea and ReAnna
Extension allowing users to play co-op modes, add map filter effects, view exact locations for completed BR rounds, bookmark locations and more.
3000+ users
Country Streak Counter
by victheturtle
Adds an automatic Country Streak Counter.
4500+ installs
State Streak Counter
by miraclewhips
Adds an automatic State Streak Counter. Also works for other subdivisions.
Country Streaks United
by Jupaoqq
Adds an automatic Country Streak Counter that saves locations to a map of yours. Note: Free BigDataCloud API key required.
500+ installs
Subdivision Streaks United
by Jupaoqq
Adds an automatic Subdivision Streak Counter that saves locations to a map of yours. Note: Free BigDataCloud API key required.
400+ installs
Hedge Streak Counter
by quarksauce and victheturtle
Adds an automatic Hedge Streak Counter.
1100+ installs
Country Blitz
by miraclewhips
Get as many countries/states correct as you can within the time limit.
Quad Streak Counter
by miraclewhips
Draws a grid over the minimap, and tracks how many correct quads you guess in a row.
Island Streak Counter
by miraclewhips
County Streak Counter
by miraclewhips
Adds an automatic county streak counter. May not work in all countries.
GeoNoCar (NCNC)
by drparse
Redacts the car and/or compass from GeoGuessr.
3400+ installs
by drparse
Applies a variety of filters to your GeoGuessr location.
3100+ installs
GeoGuessr Ultimate Script
by MrAmericanMike
Removes ad bar and author name, among other features.
6700+ installs
Team Duels Advanced Options
by macca
800+ installs
Exact Round Time
by miraclewhips
Allows you to change the round time in increments smaller than 10 seconds.
by echandler
Turns GeoGuessr upside down, literally.
Compass North Hotkey (N)
by miraclewhips
GeoGuessr Bullseye Keybinding
by notsopoisonous
Adds keyboard shortcuts to change the circle size in bullseye.
GeoGuessr Timer
by fabrice404
Adds timers to the score bar.
1000+ users
GeoGuessr Radio
by Redfox
Go on a roadtrip in GeoGuessr and listen to local radio stations while playing.
1000+ users
by MrAmericanMike and Alok
Allows you to place written hints on your maps.
200+ installs
Duel Guess Times
by victheturtle
Display guess times and rating changes on the summary page.
600+ installs
Location Retriever
by victheturtle
Get the actual panoIDed location from the results screen.
500+ installs
Guess Peek
by Alien Perfect
Allows you to see a panorama near the location of your guess after each round and when the game has ended.
100+ installs
Copy/Paste GeoGuessr Map Data
by slashP
Copy information from GeoGuessr maps as JSON data. Add or replace locations in the map maker by pasting JSON data or Google Maps links.
16000+ installs
by RollinHill, n-s-j and others
Tool to generate GeoGuessr maps based on your custom criteria.
by MrAmericanMike and RollinHill
Tool to check GeoGuessr maps for Gen 1, unofficial, misplaced and other undesirable locations.
by emilyapocalypse
Tool to easily add, update, fix or remove panorama IDs from maps.
by slashP
Command line application to generate locations based on your specification of what type of locations you want.
League List Enhanced
by dreifachpunkt.
500+ installs
Liked Maps List Enhanced
by kommu
800+ installs
by nappyslappy
Keeps track of various stats and displays them on your profile.
1800+ installs
Country Flag Displayer
by HugoBarjot
Displays a player’s country flag and/or coat of arms after their username.
1000+ installs
User Flags
by zorby
Displays a player’s country flag after their username on most GeoGuessr pages.
600+ installs
More Menu Items
by aimee
Adds a customizable menu bar to GeoGuessr's new UI.
600+ installs
Hide Party Link and Email Address
by miraclewhips and victheturtle
Made to prevent stream hacking and doxxing.
100+ installs
Better Leaderboard
by Han75
Quality-of-life improvements for the challenge leaderboard.
300+ installs
Lobby Purge
by miraclewhips
Leave all your lobbies with the click of a button.
GeoGuessr Tweaks
by Nicolas
Several customizsation options and results analysis features.
1000+ users
Custom Emotes
by victheturtle
Allows you to use custom emotes and some commands in the chat.
400+ installs
Change Avatar to Pin/Profile Picture
by Joniber
Replaces avatars with the players’ pins or profile pictures.
1100+ installs
GeoGuessr Background Replacer
by tyow
Replace the background of any GeoGuessr page with your own images.
600+ installs
Custom Status Bar
by Joniber
Allows you to edit the status bar through a GUI accessible from the settings.
300+ installs
Extended Duels Summary in Activities Page
by tyow
Adds the final score and opponent’s name to the duel entries from the Activities page.
100+ installs
Geoguessr SubdivisionStats
by Jelke Schröder
Keeps track of your accuracy on subdivision guesses with an interactive map on your profile.
100+ installs
Does something need changing? Do you have a question about one of the tools?
Feel free to leave us a message in the #scripts-tools channel.
Please note: The links on this page are provided for general information purposes only. Although this list was compiled in good faith, we do not have control over the content of any third-party scripts, extensions, websites or other software. Any action you take upon the information on this site is strictly at your own risk.