Ranked Achievements
Ranked Achievements are another way to enjoy playing GeoGuessr through the Plonk It Discord. Here is a brief overview of the many features to get you on your way:
GeoGuessr Ranked Bot - Your own personal compendium of ranked achievements with flavor text and art. There are two unique features that you can use here, or in any ranked related channel:
/achievement - See a table with all the Ranked achievements you unlocked. Those missing will be marked with a ‘?’ with the color of its category given.
/achievement_list - See your progress in Ranked achievements.
#ranked-achievements - A log of achievements that have been unlocked by any player in the server. See the feats of your friends and others, and try to unlocked those that are especially rare.
Secrets - There are many hidden achievements waiting to be discovered. With no text or art clues, some still remain hidden even now. Can you be one of the first? Or maybe if you are a little lucky, find them all?
Explorer series
Rise through the ranks by playing 1, 10, 30, 100, 300, 1000 or 3000 games in any of the gamemodes.
Worldwide series
Unlock new achievements by visiting 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 or 100 countries or territories during your Ranked career.
Spill hunter
Get a location in Guyana, Bosnia, Paraguay, Belarus (not Minsk) or Tanzania.
First win and Win streak
Get your first ranked win. After, try for a streak of 5 with the combination of any gamemode.
Different league
Win a duel or team duel in 3 rounds or less.
Comeback and Flawless
Win a duel or team duel with less than 100HP left or win a duel or team duel while still having more than 5900HP left.
Die Hard series
Inflict more than 15,000, 20,000 or 25,000 damage at once.
Lose a duel or team duel on a small country despite getting it right.
Deal exactly enough damage to eliminate your opponents.
Just better
Win a team duel game as the only person to guess the right country on the last round.
Win a BO3 after losing less than 100HP in total.
Win a BO3 despite inflicting less damage than your opponent.
Slow starter and Quick finisher
Win NMPZ and Moving after losing your NM game five times in a row in BO3 or win NM and NMPZ without having to play your Moving game five times in a row in BO3.
Friendly player and Loyal teammate
Register a teammate and play a team duel game with them. In addition, play 5 team duel games with any teammate in a row.
Infinity series
Finish a game that lasted 15 or 20 rounds or more in a duel or team duel. In addition, finish a match that lasted 40 rounds or more in total in BO3.
Get the same score as the other team on a round (less than 4800).
Win a team duel game after getting the closest guess in your team in all rounds.
Fast guesser
Win a 2 duel or team duel game after guessing all rounds in less than 10 seconds.
NMPZ and Masochist
Play an NMPZ duel game… and then proceed to play 10 NMPZ duel games.
Hedge streak
Get a score of at least 20,000 in 5 consecutive duel games.
No suspense
Be more than 5000 points ahead of your opponent after round 4.
A diverse gamemode
Play one game of duel, team duel and BO3.
Pinpointing fan and Intersection enjoyer
Get your first 5K in Ranked. Now, 5K two rounds in the same game!
5K Total series
Get 5Ks in 10, 20, 40 and 80 different countries.
Full send
Both you and your teammate send the 5K.
Repeat rememberer
5K a location in less than 15 seconds.
Moving goat
Get a 5K in every round of your moving duel in BO3.
Play a team duel game on each of the 6 normal maps.
Terrible map
Get the same country 3 times in a row.
Not stonks
Spend more than 10000 points at the same time.
Have more than 50000 points ready to spend.
Veto a map for at least 50 games.
Respectable player
All 4 players guess Eiffel tower on a black screen.
Good sportsmanship
Say GG to your opponents after a game.
Join the Voice Chat to communicate with your 2v2 teammate.
Data analyst
Use the !info or !info2 command.
0.1% chance to get this achievement after every game.