The Pitcairn Islands are a group of four islands in the South Pacific Ocean and a territory of the United Kingdom. As such, it is counted as the UK for country streaks purposes.
Coverage is limited to two islands: Pitcairn Island and Henderson Island. The following clues will be focused on Pitcairn Island, as Henderson Island only has a very small amount of beach coverage.
All coverage was taken with a Generation 3 trekker.
Pitcairn Island is a semi-tropical and densely forested island, with most of the coverage being taken on small dirt tracks going through the forest.
The soil is commonly very red.
Step 2 – Regional clues
Adamstown is the only settlement on Pitcairn Island, and is found near the northeastern shore. Some of the roads going through the town are made of concrete rather than dirt.
The coverage on Henderson Island is limited to two white sand beaches on the northern and eastern shore.
Step 3 – Spotlight
A dock with the POI “The Landing” containing a large number of small ATVs can be found at the eastern end of Adamstown.