Qatari crossing signs feature a man in a thobe.
Qatar is divided into municipalities, further divided into numbered zones, which can be seen on street signs. This infographic shows which number corresponds to each zone.
Bollards in Qatar are only found on a few roads, and you can easily tell them apart.
The horizontal road just west of Qatar map label uses black and yellow centre lines.
The horizontal road south of Madinat al Ka`ban has a lot more greenery and, the coverage is also very overcast.
The coastal road south of Fuwayrit has coastal shrubs all around, and you can often see the coast.
If the road doesn’t fit the above descriptions, guess on the long vertical road west of Qatar map label.
The Mall of Qatar in Rawdat Al Jahhaniya can be recognized by the boxy appearance with many ads on the side of the building. Large car parks are also seen next to the mall.
A tripod was used to capture the interior of the Hamad International Airport. A unique tripod that captured the inside of a plane can also be seen here.