All coverage in Madagascar was taken with a Generation 3 trekker camera.
NOTE: While there are some unusual vehicles seen on some of the coverage, the camera and blur is still the same.
The climate of Madagascar generally varies from extremely dry in the southern and central parts, to tropical in the north.
Street View in Madagascar is very limited, with a mixture of land and boat coverage, most of which is on or near the west coast. It is worth noting that almost all the coverage was taken using trekkers, with only two exceptions, both of which have a visible, unique Street View car.
Because of the limited coverage, this guide will be structured differently than most other guides. It will be divided into two main sections: one for land coverage and one for boat coverage, which in turn is divided into subsections based on region.
Ambanja District
The coverage on the island of Nosy Ambariovato can be recognized by the people, one wearing a blue T-shirt and sunglasses on their forehead, one with a light red T-shirt and one with a darker red tank top. There is also a fourth person in some of the coverage, wearing a light blue T-shirt. The coverage is very hilly and forested.
An area with coverage south of Ambiky can be recognized by the large, solitary green bushes combined with a very slight red tinge in the dirt. Certain parts of the coverage are quite wet.
A small section of the coverage by the Sambirano river has two different people present on the coverage; one with a red T-shirt and white cap, and one with a spotted dress.
A couple of atolls on the central west coast can be seen on Street View. The northernmost is the smallest, and is easily recognizable as it only consists of sand and you can always see from one shore to the other.
NOTE: Among the five atolls with land coverage, only the two furthest south appear on the map.
The other atolls can be recognized by their small size relative to other landmasses and the broad leaved palms which is rarely found anywhere else in the country.
Most of the coverage in Antananarivo was taken on the side of a hill looking out over the city, which leads up to the Queen’s Palace, which can be seen near the top of the hill.
Menabe Region
Morondava is most easily recognized by the bald person wearing either a light green or a light red striped shirt. It is also one of few towns where the trekker walks on a paved road.
A car with a barely visible grey metal roof rack can be seen by Manahy. There are some locations where the car is completely blurred out, where the shape of the blur is the best indication of the area.
A piece of coverage, partly taken on a large grassy field, and partly on the side of a sand dune, can be found south of Manahy.
A small, very sandy village with the shore to the north can be seen on a small cape north of Andavadoaka. Part of the coverage was taken just outside the shoreline.
The town of Andavadoaka can be recognized by three different people appearing on the coverage; One wearing a greyish hat and a light blue shirt, and two with red and white T-shirts.
The main part of the trekker coverage surrounding Andavadoaka can be recognized by either the person wearing a greyish hat and light blue shirt or a person wearing a yellow T-shirt.
Coverage with multiple different people walking near and around the trekker, and with a small village to the west, can be found in the southeastern part of the bay. Part of the coverage goes through a very shallow body of water.
The Tsaranoro Massif is a large monolithic mountain with trekker coverage. The steep mountainsides, combined with the mountainous area surrounding the coverage makes it very recognizable. The four people following the trekker can also occasionally be a useful clue.
Toliara District
A boat going up the Sambirano River can be seen with two people; a tourist with a blue T-shirt and a gondolier with a brown shirt. The northernmost part of the coverage is very dark, as it was taken during sunset.
The boat north of Andavadoaka can mostly be recognized by the large sail almost filling up the entire screen and the bow which is painted yellow and blue. Note that the sail is not present in the northern parts of the coverage.
The boat in the bay south of Andavadoaka can be recognized by either the somewhat smaller sail than the one north of Andavadoaka, or the person sitting by the bow wearing a red T-shirt with the text “Diesel”. Beware that only one of the two will appear on most of the coverage.
GeoGuessr’s own official maps are not very good, for a variety of reasons. Plonk It recommends you play these maps instead:
Madagascar Trekkers (map link) - 750+ handpicked locations from all the coverage on Madagascar.