In Generation 3 coverage, a short thick antenna is sometimes visible with a black, white or grey car. In Generation 4 coverage, a white or silver car is commonly found.
NOTE: Within the Americas, you can also find the antenna in Mexico, Ecuador and Brazil. However, Colombia is the only country with this antenna on a black Google car.
Colombia uses two types of kilometre markers: a tall green version with the letters “Pr” at the top, and the traditional stone marker with black lettering. Both designs are unique to the country.
NOTE: The first two digits at the bottom indicate the road number. In this case, the road number is 90. The last two digits indicate the section of the road, which increase west to east on even numbered highways, and south to north on odd numbered highways.
You can use this resource to help identify each section.
Colombian taxis are always this pastel yellow colour. As opposed to private vehicles, they have white licence plates, which are often printed on the side and roof. If unblurred, you will often see the city name.
NOTE: Ecuadorian taxis may look similar. However, they use a slightly more saturated yellow and typically have orange plates.
Providencia street lights are green and supported by a trapezoidal sheet of metal underneath.
NOTE: The uniquely shaped supporting metal piece can also be found in Barranquilla.
You can recognise the narrow Ruta 90 landbridge between Barranquilla and Cienaga thanks to the dashed yellow lines and shallow bodies of water next to the road. Open ocean can often be seen to the north.
NOTE: In the older Generation 3 coverage, you will also see tall mountains in the distance.