The Bengali script features a continuous horizontal line at the top of each word. It has a similar look to Devanagari (Hindi), however it can usually be recognised by the many letters featuring triangular shapes.
NOTE: Bengali is an official language in Bangladesh and parts of eastern India.
In Generation 3 coverage, these three cars can be seen in Bangladesh: the red mirror with bars, classic white and striped white car.
NOTE: The classic white car is the only car that is not unique to Bangladesh. Make sure to not mix up the striped white with the Cambodian car, since they look similar.
Bangladesh, as well as a variety of other countries, has received some poor quality coverage, also known as “Shitcam”. The Shitcam car colours are black and white.
NOTE: Sometimes the car colour can be fully obstructed by a big circular blur.
Bangladesh has several distinct roof styles that create an east/west divide in the country.
The west, particularly the divisions of Rajshahi, Khulna and Dhaka, is dominated by hip roofs made of sheet metal. The states of Rangpur and Chittagong tend to have mixed roofs.
Rice is the main agricultural crop in Bangladesh and is planted twice a year. The different rice seasons can be told apart by the height and colour of the rice and are very useful for regionguessing.
Short green rice that is barely sticking out of the water is known as early growth rice. Early growth rice can be seen in the states of Khulna, Mymensingh and south of Padma River in Dhaka.
NOTE: Beware that this, and the following tips, are only accurate in Generation 4 coverage.
Corn tends to be planted in the west of Bangladesh - large and medium-sized fields can be found in Rajshahi, Rangpur, western Mymensingh and northern Khulna.
Smaller patches of corn can be found in the south of Barishal, usually adjacent to other crops.
Jute is a tall-growing green crop which gets dried and used in the making of rugs, bags and other goods. Because of when the coverage was taken, jute can almost exclusively be found on Street View in Rangpur. In its dried state it can be found hanging off fences and drying on the roads anywhere in the country.
Beach Sheoaks (Casuarina equisetifolia) are thin evergreen trees with thin, long, drooping branchlets. Like the name suggests, they are mostly observed in coastal regions - along the coast of the Teknaf Peninsula and around Noakhali city in Chittagong.
For legal reasons, Google has added small labels noting their copyright on all Street View coverage. These labels contain a year, typically the year when the coverage was released, which can be used to regionguess Bangladesh. Generation 4 coverage with 2022 written on the copyright labels can be found in Mymensingh, Dhaka and less commonly Chittagong.
NOTE: Beware that the copyright labels will rarely get updated to a later year, without any other changes to the coverage.
GeoGuessr’s own official maps are not very good, for a variety of reasons. Plonk It recommends you play these maps instead:
A Balanced Bangladesh (map link) - 50k+ computer generated locations balanced with state streaking in mind.
In addition, here are some resources to help you practise Bangladesh:
Plonk It Bangladesh (map link) - This map contains locations for practising each meta in the Plonk It Bangladesh guide from step 2 to 3.